Monday, January 7, 2013

Well 2013 is coming along pretty slowly for me right now. For those that don't know I got kicked by a horse and broke my leg back in November. I was in a full cast from my toe to my hip for a month, then a short leg cast, and now a brace. This experience has been pretty humbling, not being able to do things for myself is a BIG problem for me. I am, by nature,a very independent person and don't typically like to ask for help so this situation has been frustrating to say the least. My wife who is like a beach angel (One of our favorite commercials ) has been great, she has been doing all her work and mine.

Anyway, I guess this is like therapy... it hurts, but I guess its good for my character. I always get kind of a weird feeling when I hear preachers and other people telling Christians that God wants them to all be healthy, rich and happy all the time. I have always felt that God was more concerned with our character than our comfort. I personally believe that he uses pain, trials, and discomfort to sculpt his people into useful tools.

I am at the point in my rehabilitation that I can start doing things. I am just now walking without crutches, not very fast but I am doing it! I am also starting to ride a horse again.  I have for the past two days been riding a little and its been super frustrating. I am at the point now where I can lope circles without too much pain but stoping is really hard. When I load my weight up in my sturrups it is very painful. My muscles haven't been used for that in a long time and they are weak, the process of strengthening muscles hurts.

When you don't use a muscle you loose it. If you know anything about muscles you know that building muscles is done by exerting enough force and strain on them to cause lots of tiny microscopic tears, tears that by the way hurt! The body healing the tears it what causes the muscles to grow and thus increase their capacity. Your muscles cannot grow with some pain and discomfort. 

Why would our spiritual body be any different. When preachers and evangelists tell prospective Christians that if they say this prayer, they will have joy, peace, health, wealth and happiness then die and go to heaven, is misleading and setting them up for failure. The bible doesn't promise Christians a happy healthy wealthy life devoid of pain and discomfort, it promises them tools to combat lifes problems and eternal life after this life is over. If a young Christian doesn't know to expect trails and tribulation and was only told how rosey life would be how do you think he will react with the problems ensue? 

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33

Our comfort should come from knowing we serve the God that has overcome the world, not from health, wealth or wordly treasures. Expect trials and tribulation, and to grow closer to God through them. 

I know I'm going to be hurting trying to get ready to rodeo again but its part of the process, the only way to not hurt is to stay home and do nothing, I wouldn't have to deal with the pain but I would miss the reward! 

T minus 10 days until my first rodeo back in Alexandria LA.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jeremy I feeI ur pain lol. I broke my leg and when I came back to Rodeoing last year it was really hard to come back due to my leg.
    For a long time I would question my ability due to the thought that possibly my leg wouldn't hold up.
    But what I finally realized was I was doubting myself not my leg, and that was holding my rodeo back. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. But it was also one of the most rewarding
    So I say this if u will it it will be so.
    I really enjoy your blog posts, I find them motivating anyway best of luck on the comeback

    On a side note toe raises helped a bunch!!
